Officers & Directors

To contact Board Members please use the contact form.

President: Dan Ward                

Set meeting agendas, chair meetings, track sales and leases, chair Annual Meeting and set agenda, oversee budget setting process, oversee contract negotiations with service providers, oversee committee and sub-committee work, communicate with co-owners as needed, assure compliance with Association By-laws and Rules and Regulations.

Vice President: Wayne Terpstra

Chair meetings in the absence of the president.

Treasurer: Doug Hayden

Generate monthly financial reports, assure payment of monthly HOA dues, work with accounting firm to insure all bills are paid, and financial records and books are in order, oversee budgeted operating and reserve funds, provide banks information for unit sales, facilitate annual audits and reviews.

Secretary: Julie Ballard

Generate minutes of monthly and annual meetings, update mailing list, produce monthly newsletter, communicate with co-owners as needed, maintain a list of co-owners with a bank mortgage, maintain a list of individuals with voting authority, maintain historic records of board actions and decisions and documents required by law.

Directors at Large and areas of responsibility:

Wayne Terpstra:

Building Maintenance, building modifications requests, and annual building inspections.

Gerry Stoneburner:

Lawn maintenance, landscape and tree maintenance, modification requests for landscape changes.

Bill Weerstra:

Road and driveway maintenance, snow plowing and sidewalk shoveling.

Mike Gray:

Sprinkler operation and maintenance, pest control, garbage, recycling service and ponds (assisted by the pond committee).

Sub-committees for the following purposes:

Website administration and maintenance:          Sally Mulder

New Co-owner Welcome:     Barb Fehlig

Pond and Fish Committee:     Al Persenaire