
Spring Cleanup
Each spring volunteers assist in keeping our grounds clean and neat. The Board director, responsible for landscaping, assigns various tasks to spruce up our grounds after the winter.
May 18, 2024 
Building Inspections
Each year volunteer Co-owners inspect areas of concern on and in our condominium units. After correlation of the findings the Board sets routine and preventive maintenance priorities. Based on those priorities, repairs will be completed. Although, not all problems can be addressed within the year, the inspections have provided a way to set priorities for the year’s repairs and plan the budget to address the future needs.
May 8-12, 2024 
Garage Sale
The Board selects one day per year as a day for Co-owners to participate in a garage sale. Each participant is responsible for advertising and setting out the flags to assist shoppers in parking.  If you want to participate, contact the Waterway Pines Secretary.
June 1, 2024
Spring Community Wide Garage Sale
Pond Clean-up / Debris Removal
Once a year, Co-owners help to rid the margins of the ponds of undesirable plant material. Underwater growth is pulled up, deposited along the water’s edge, and removed by the association’s landscape service.
August 5-8, 2024
Debris pick-up TBA
Building washing & deck staining
Each year deck staining is done on a fourth of all buildings.  Power washing is done on all buildings. You might want to delay having your windows washed until after this is done.
June 24-29, 2024 
Ice Cream Social
All Co-owners are invited to share Ice Cream and visit with your neighbors.
July 10, 2024
(rain date July 11)
Annual Meeting
The Annual Co-owners Meeting is a time for the Association Board and Co-owners to get together and share information over dessert.
October 15, 2024
@ 7 pm.  Meet at Harderwyk Ministries, 1627 W. Lakewood Blvd.
Board Meetings
The WWPC board meets once a month. There are seven board members, elected for overlapping three year terms. Board members share responsibility for landscaping, pond maintenance, snowplowing, building maintenance, pest removal, budget, dealing with sales, and responding to Co-owner concerns.
2nd Monday of each month, 2 p.m.